DNA Special Announcements

January 2018 -
The first week in January has been very busy in the Genetic Genealogy community with a couple of major announcements:
  1. MyHeritage has enhanced its DNA reporting to improve the matching algorith and HAS ADDED A Chromosome Browser.
  2. Living DNA (the new kid on the block out of the U.K.) is accepting uploads from other testing companies (i.e. Ancestry, FTDNA, 23andMe, MyHeritage) for their One Family, One World Project and will process them and report.   The caviat it that the processing is FREE but will be complete sometime in 2018.  [I have uploaded mine and was given a date of August 6, 2018].
  3. Thomas MacEntee's Genealogy DNA Do-Over. Thomas has started a group on facebook with 12 monthly steps to reexamine (or examin for the first time) our DNA results with the goal of getting most from our investment
Click on any of the named companies to link to their announcement details.