Saturday, February 8, 2025, at 12:30 pm EST
Newspaper Research at the Library of Michigan
with Mathew Pacer  
In-person at the Detroit Public Library, Explorer's Room or Virtually.
Public Virtual Registration is now open here.
Matt PacerThe Library of Michigan has one of the most comprehensive collections of Michigan newspapers. Stop by and learn more about our print and electronic newspaper collections as well as learn some strategies for navigating the various online collections of digitized Michigan news publications.
We have returned to meeting in person. This meeting will also be available virtually using Zoom.
Please note the new start time for our membership meetings is 12:30 pm. This will make it more convenient for in-person attendees to use the Burton Historical Collection from 2-6 pm without an appointment. This new start time will also make it easier for our virtual attendees who are not in the Eastern Time Zone.
For more details about joining and participating in a webinar as an attendee, here is a tutorial from Zoom.

Membership Renewal Instructions

We have resumed processing membership renewals—steps to renew your membership.
  1. Login to the Member Log-In section using your DSGR login and password.
  2. Click on DSGR Store.
  3. Click on Membership Renewals.
  4. Follow the prompts. Existing data will be pre-filled in for you.
Thank you.

Skating pavilion, Belle Isle

Skating pavilion, Belle Isle
View of ice skaters in front of skating pavilion on Belle Isle. Handwritten on front: "Detroit, Jan. 5 19. Skating pavilion, Belle Isle Park." Handwritten on back: "5 Jan 1919."
Burton Historical Collection
Date: 1919
Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.

Burton Historical Collection Update

Walk-in service is available from 2 pm—6 pm Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments may be scheduled at 12 pm and 6 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday and from 10 am and 12 pm Thursday through Saturday. The collection is open Sunday, 1 - 5 pm through May.
The Detroit Public Library Main branch art & architecture tours will be held on the third Sunday of each month (October-May) from 1:30-2:30 pm. Sunday hours are 1:00-5:00 pm.

Changed your email address?

Have you changed your email address and forgot to notify us?  This may be why you have not gotten notifications to our Zoom Meetings, invitations to our associated society meetings, or a copy of the DSGR Magazine if you opted for the digital version.  If you have changed your contact information, or just want to be sure what we have is accurate, email our Corresponding Secretary by clicking the link.